Saturday, July 16, 2011


So I've been up all night. It's 7:45am. I'm trying to get my sleeping schedule back to normal. Like, actually sleeping at night and stuff. Because I'm tired of getting up at 3pm. So I'm going to stay up all day today and then go to bed at 9 or 10. I am sooooooooooo looking forward to sleeping. -__- I mean, it's summer so I can pretty much do whatever I want, but staying up all night is still haaaaaarrrrrdddd! Even doing fun stuff is tiring. >.>;

Maybe I'll play some ZELDA. I still need to finish Majora's Mask. ...Y'know, after reading/watching the whole BEN creepypasta that game is a whooole lot creepier. Like, the thought of playing it alone at night freaks me out. XD Oh creepypastas. They change everything.

On another note, how do you get people to actually read your blog?? I thought putting tags and stuff would help, but it hasn't really. I mean, I don't really care how many people read this would be nice to get a comment here or there. IDK. :/ Maybe I just need to start reading more blogs and commenting on them/make friends and stuff. Frieeennndssss. Yes. Right.

Wellllll perhaps the internet shall keep me awake. I wonder if I'll be getting a second wind sometime soon. Hopefully so, then I can use it for cleaning. I have a bunch of papers I need to organize. ;__; Papers annoy me cuz there's never a good place to put them. >.> Yesh indeed.

Oh, I started reading more Slenderblogs. I've been reading The Tutorial on and off for a couple months now, and I just started reading Ichthyological. So yeaaaaahhhhhh. I kinda want to get involved in the Slender community more...I'll have to think about that.

Hokay, bu-bye 4 naow. :3

1 comment:

Bethany said...

I've tried all sorts of things to get people to respond. Questions of the week, etc. etc. etc. They only work for so long.