Monday, July 19, 2010

A collection of nonsense

I stare at the blank screen and wonder; will this be poetry?
If I try to make it be poetry will it be poetry?
Maybe I
need to
do this formatting thing
like this.
But does that make it poetry?
Lines all broken up?
I’m only fooling myself.
I wasn’t...
Perhaps I wasn’t meant to be a poet.
But maybe I want to be.


We know everything and you know nothing. We know what life is about, while you sit there and complain about how your life has no meaning. Do something, you fool. Life happens wherever you are, just do something.


What is that? What was it? Your face, but I can’t remember. And you were so kind, but you were dating that other girl. I wanted to play video games with you. Why am I so stupid in dreams? Of course you didn’t care. I never even saw your face.


I forgot this was a co-ed bathroom. Wait, how did I get here?

A tall jock walks by, drying his platinum-blonde hair with an equally white towel. He stops.

“Hey, be careful there, little lady,” he says condescendingly, amused.

“What, are you afraid I might beat you up?” I’ll punch his lights out.

He just laughs and walks away.


Pocky at 1am. Chocolate-y goodness. But I wish it were minty because it’s so hot in here. Thank god for spellcheck. “Loner” rhymes with “boner.”

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