I feel like 2012 is the most "now" that now has ever been. Everyone's been talking about it for so long, and now it's here, and it feels like it's always been here. It's a hard feeling to explain, but somehow I feel like the past, the present and the future are all about to line up and become one.
I guess that's what some people say time is; that there is no past or future; that there is only now, and now has always been.
Look, I'm so enlightened.
Speaking of Slenderblogs, I'm reading Seeking Truth. DAMN is it well written. I can imagine it as a movie, or an awesome X-Files type of tv series. Yeah, probably a tv series. So this is what I've been missing, eh? Everyone talks about Seeking Truth but I didn't start reading it until like last week. I'm not even halfway through yet and it is so freaking awesome. See, I want to be able to contribute something like that to the Slenderman mythos.
Ah, Slenderman. <3
And with that, goodnight.
Oh P.S. my hair is pink again.