These are the rules:
1. Winners grab the image above, and put it in your blog.
2. Link back to the person who gave it to you.
3. Tell 10 things about yourself.
4. Award 15 recently discovered bloggers.
5. Contact the bloggers you have awarded to let them know they have won.
Hokay, 10 things about myself.
1. I'm in love with The Legend of Zelda, especially Ocarina of Time. I'm one of those gamers that don't really play many other games except OoT. XD
2. I'm trying to expand my gaming horizon by doing Let's Plays on this channel: http://www.youtube.com/jollyrainbows
3. I currently have bright pink hair. I blame anime.
4. I'm going to be a movie director some day. I love making movies, and I'm currently in charge of props for a feature film that's being shot in my hometown.
5. I never get enough sleep, hence the title of my blog. I hoped that would change once I graduated high school, but now I'm in my second year of college and old habits die hard. :P
6. I've never been drunk or done drugs. Partying and getting wasted just doesn't appeal to me. The best party I've ever been to had no drugs of any sort. It was my friend's birthday party this year. We played with balloons and wore formal wear and ate food and danced. It was amazing in a way that I can't describe. Imagine being surrounded by all of your best friends and feeling totally euphoric.
7. I love creepy things. Silent Hill, abandoned buildings, SLENDERMAN, just to name a few. Also, good creepypastas like Ben.WMV. :P
8. I don't read that many books...idk why. I should probably become more literate. >.> I mean, I read...manga and...magazines...and blogs. Do those count?? :P
9. I used to be totally antisocial but I've gradually grown out of it. Being around large groups of people I don't know can still be pretty stressful, though. But for the post part I have no trouble being a part of society, haha. I have a lot of friends these days too, which is awesome. <3
10. Uuuuuuum. I have two awesome sisters. One is.....twenty....four? Twenty-five? (she's gunna give me crap for not remembering how old she is. XD) And the other one is 17. They're both awesome artists, you should check out their deviantarts: http://fattytunaforever.deviantart.com/ and http://pandorful.deviantart.com/
Aaaaand those are my 10 fact-thingies! I'm too lazy to tag 15 people so I'm just gunna say...if you're reading this and you want to do it tooooo then KNOCK YOURSELF OUT!! :D
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