I got it at Walmart yesterday with Shruti. I knew nothing about cellphones, so she helped me pick it out. It's got the "Straight Talk" plan thingy. I like how it slides. WEEEEE IT'S SO FUN! I need to add a bunch of contacts so I can TEXT THE FUCK OUT OF THEM.
So I was going through the menus and getting to know how it all works yesterday. I e-mailed a picture to myself. I didn't even know you could do that with cell phones. OH TECHNOLOGY HOW I LOVE YOU.
MY PHONE SLIDES TOO!!! I was very excited... Until my friend told me that he broke his phone by sliding it too much.
...I still refuse to believe him, but now I'm scared to play with it.
Yeah, I've heard that they can break if you slide them too much. :(
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