Um. I spent like two hours tonight watching Lady Gaga interviews on UTOOB. And now I'm listening to Poker Face. What is the world coming to?
I'm not a fan of Lady Gaga, but she's just so...interesting? IDK, why did I spend so much time watching interviews of her? Hmmm. Well, I can say that even though she's kinda crazy I admire that about her. Crazy-ness. It's refreshing.
WHY DO I ALWAYS WASTE MY TIME ON THE INTERNETS???!! I should have been doing other things. 8I

I'm not to into her music either, but she's really freaking cool. Kinda how I feel about Ke$ha. :D
I'm really curious to see how long she'll last. She seems like a real artist, so I could see her being popular for a long time.
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