I have blue hair right now, did I mention that?

It used to be pink, for about 8 months. Now it's blue. Soon it may be purple. Or turquoise. Or green. It changes. Just like life. OH HOW PROFOUND.
Despite my title I'm actually listening to Silent Hill music. Who would have guessed? I do want to play Chrono Cross though. After I finish my Chrono Trigger let's play. Did I mention I do Let's Plays? Well I do. Now you know.
Speaking of Silent Hill music, what is up with Esperandote? It's on the soundtrack but not in the game, yet in the game credits it lists it as the ending song. The fuck?
I read about Anne Frank for the first time tonight. On Wikipedia. When I should have been working on my Graphic Narrative projects. I can't believe I never learned about her before. I guess that's what I get for homeschooling in 8th grade when everyone else was learning about the Holocaust. Go me.
I should really get to work on this shit. I mean stuff. Awesome stuff.
October 17th was my 21st birthday! I had Sushi with my family and my friend Angela and her sister Aimee. It was fun! And I tried a SAKE BOMB...which isn't as exciting as it sounds. It was alcohol, what can I say? Aaaaaaaand I've still never been drunk.